2023 美國 TITAN Property Awards 金獎
Find Rest O My Soul
2023 TITAN Property Awards
俄羅斯畫家及藝術理論家瓦西里·康定斯基(Wassily Kandinsky)被譽為西方抽象藝術的先驅之一,他相信談論藝術中的靈性,是視覺藝術史上不可比擬的玄學論述。同樣的,美好的室內設計不僅僅是建造一個庇護所,更是一個可以讓靈魂在無限精神世界中得以解放的避風港。
Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian painter and art theorist often credited as one of the pioneers of abstraction in western art, believes that concerning the spiritual in art is a metaphysical tract beyond compare in the history of the visual arts. Likewise, the interior design is not only a construction of a shelter but also a haven for the soul to be liberated in a boundless spiritual world. In view of the fact that the owner of this project is battling in a highly competitive business world in his daily life, and he also works in a highly-intense and fast-changing business environment, all the details of this design project only seek to create an exclusive paradise that satisfies the longing of the soul. The entrance door is perfect for shutting out the hustle and bustle. The abstract painting in red and black organic shapes, created by Czech visual artists, activates spiritual liberation. The open and ample space with a low-color off-white base conveys an elegant and subdued atmosphere. In the open layout, the lighting configuration extends from the foyer’s ceiling to the bottom of the corridor, contrasting light and dark. From the spatial structure, lighting, and furniture configuration, the rational and the sensual expression are silently and gently balanced. At the same time, the living room and the dining room are brilliantly distinguished. Natural light penetrates through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, creating gradations of light and shadow in the large living room. The dining chairs, single chairs and sofas, which appear to be of different styles, are like the cradle of the soul waiting for the owner’s rest. The circular art wall hanging in the living room, which looks like a kaleidoscope of mirrored landscapes, is the creation of a Chinese artist using tannin fabric and pillow cotton as the base material. The contrast of shades, like the warmth of people, with lightness and darkness, echoes the philosophy of design and a poetic state of mind in the space.